Automatic Can Lid OpenerSS Automatic Can Lid Opener


  • Automatic Can Lid Opener - as the name suggests opens Lids of Cans automatically without any kind of exertion of pressure over the Cans. Its smooth operation and design ensures that the Cans remain properly spaced on the Conveyor and opens Lid without any kind of spillage of Milk from Can.

  • Speed of Can Lid Opener is synchronized with the speed of Can Conveyor, so that undue falling of Can or malfunctioning of Lid Opening Mechanism is avoided.

  • Can Lid Opener is Grouted to the Floor alongside the Tray of Can Conveyor and the guide railing provided guides the Cans exactly in a position required to open Lids as they pass along.

  • Complete operation of Can opening is carried out by the operation of Eccentric Cam provided over the shaft, which acts as a hammering device to open Lids smoothly, without any kind of Damage to Cans or Lids.